
Summer Eating

I love winter and the holiday season because I get to bake. I love summer for the non-baked goodies that are out there, especially those that use fresh delicious fruit. My apologies to those of you who are dieting right now.

Last weekend (or was it the week before?) we tested out a new recipe for Ginger Strawberry Soup. Wow. Thanks to Kathryn that I even noticed the recipe in a paper. I was excited to see it had no alcohol--she and Kent ate some they loved at a party, but they found out it had wine in it; I've seen a few recipes since that also use alcohol. This one uses ginger beer (high quality, not Canada Dry please). Refreshing, kid-friendly, elegant, and sugar-free! Okay, not really--it's more dessert than main course soup, but it's really fun.

Today we hosted Dan & Deanne and Leah & Joel for grilled grub and homemade ice cream and brownies. Wow. Thanks to Mom for the amazing pork chop marinade. I was skeptical that something that simple could be as delicious as she claimed. But I was blown away, and I think Bruce was too. Then, we made some chocolate cinnamon ice cream with chunks of homemade ginger snaps in it. My stomach was full to bursting, but I kept going. (We almost had to cancel that one because we couldn't find the lid for the ice cream maker. Luckily, I found it in the dish drainer where I left it. I tell you, my brain is dying a slow and embarrassing death.)

Here's to a summer of grilling and ice-cream making. Please come visit so we'll have an excuse to do so. We're glad to take suggestions for ice cream flavors/mix-ins. I also take bribes from anyone who wants to make sure Bruce does NOT win the biggest loser competition. I know I'm out!

We love Neil!

By the way, thanks to all of you who voted to keep Neil on our playlist. He won with a whopping 40%!!!!

Cracklin' Rosie, get on board!

Riley and Zeke

Riley and Zeke need a little shout-out too, so here goes.

Riley, who took his time about starting the "terrible twos," is now proving that the terrible threes can be that much worse. He runs faster. Saturday we were doing yardwork in the front, and noticed Sammy was gone. While I searched for him (found him inside), Riley sneaked off and hid behind Bruce's clothes in the closet. We searched for 5-10 minutes and were starting to enter panic mode when we found him. We weren't panicking enough to let him off without a scolding though. He also managed to turn the chapel lights off during Sacrament Meeting yesterday. Oh, and there was the incident in the bathroom Sunday evening. He took his time washing his hands before dinner. Later, during toothbrushing time, Bruce asked me how long the sink had been draining slowly. I've been a mom long enough that I immediately pulled out the drain stopper and found a large wad of Kleenex clogging up the pipes. Lest you worry for our sanity and Riley's life, Riley is a sweetheart most of the time and has one of those smiles that gets him out of trouble quickly. And he prayed last night that "no one will get killed or die, and no one will get hurt" while Tracen and Tyler visited today. Amazingly, no one did (well, not seriously).

Zeke is cute as a button, is learning to sit up (set a record of three minutes today before he toppled over in fright as Riley approached), and even wakes up cheerful after being ignored all night long (no more midnigt feedings, buster!). He started eating rice cereal last week and seems to like it okay. He turned up his nose at applesauce, probably because I buy the kind with no added sugar. That's what I get for swearing I would not allow my kids to be picky eaters--that is, I get three picky eaters.


Preschool Graduate(s?)

I'm sorry to be posting old news, but I have been a bit under the weather the past few weeks with a minor infection that has made feeding Zeke pretty uncomfortable.

Anyway, just over a week ago, Sammy graduated from Buzi Bee Preschool in a gala event that spanned two days. (You're right, evidently the teacher can't spell and we're glad he just learned shapes and letters there, but she's great with the four-year-olds.)

Friday morning they had a parents-only program at school where the kids sang and talked and showed off all they had learned during the year. Ms. Debee was quizzing the kids before the program really got underway, and came to the question "What is the solar system?" Silence. Evidently, one day on the subject isn't enough. Then Riley came to the rescue by calling out "The sun and all the planets." We're now wondering whether he should go to Ms. Debee's preschool next year as planned, or start teaching his own preschool. He can spell pretty well, too.

Saturday evening we had a mass picnic at the park for all the kids, family, friends, and anyone who has even heard of Buzi Bee Preschool. The kids had another cute program. Then we crowded into the lobby of Surf & Swim for the countdown to 7:00--that's the time when the pool reservation began, and we all rushed into the locker rooms and under the giant bubble dome that is Surf & Swim. Sammy and Riley had a great time, but were sad that we didn't let them stay until 10 when the party ended. (Sorry, but who throws a preschool party that goes until 10 at night?!?)

Congratulations, Sammy! We're so proud of you for all you've learned and we're excited for you to move on to Kindergarten. Keep up the good work!


The Belated Birthday Bash

My parents always gave me amazing birthday parties. My mom made delicious and beautiful cakes. I pretty much got to do whatever activity/theme I wanted. But still, I was always a bit jealous of the kids who got to have birthday parties at Chuck E Cheese or the roller skating rink, complete with a big store-bought cake with mounds of gross frosting.

So, when the opportunity came for a joint party with four of Sammy's friends (including his "best cousin") who all have birthdays very close to each other, we decided to go for it. Today was the big day.

Classic Skating has climbing toys, bouncing toys, a giant skating/scootering/tricycling rink. We invited a million kids (okay, there were only TWENTY FIVE four- and five-year-olds). We got pizza. We had Spider-Man cupcakes. Half the kids wore superhero costumes. It was fun for the kids and I didn't have to plan anything.

But I guess chaos is not my forte. I only had to keep track of a few kids other than my own. No one got into fights, got sick, or got lost. Still, the whole thing left me feeling a bit unsettled. Most of the kids just played with one or two others, which I guess always happens when that many kids are together. Sammy got some presents, but in the confusion he was never sure who they were from. I found myself thinking, "When can I go home?" instead of, "What great friends and what a cute birthday boy." I didn't get to have fun with the kids.

I hope my kids don't resent me for this, but I think it's back to the hokey, homemade, play-in-the-backyard kind of parties next year. I kind of enjoy the party planning and cupcake making. It's nice for me to feel like a part of Sammy's crowd during these younger years while he still acknowledges my presence. Thanks mom, for all the years you threw great parties for me. Or did you do it for your own sanity?


Disappointment haunted all my dreams...

Sammy has been looking forward to playing on a baseball team since last summer.

A week and a half ago, he had his first practice for his t-ball team, the Mariners. Unfortunately, it was a bit rainy/snowy that day and after two minutes of running around bases, the coach sent us home. Sammy had to be dragged off the field, and sobbed all the way home.

The following Monday was sunny, so he got to practice. He told me "This is the best day EVER!" He had preschool, played with cousins, then t-ball practice. Of course, he's the kid who sits down in the outfield, forgets to run after he hits the ball, etc. But he had fun. Then came Wednesday's practice, cancelled by rain again, and more sobbing. It's hard to watch my little boy so disappointed, and not be able to do anything about it.

Anyway, tonight was his first real game. Again, he forgot to run when he hit the ball. He had fun kicking dirt on the bases. And he chased the ball all over the infield, no matter he was playing outfield. Once, he even got the ball after tug-of-war with a teammate, and was so proud of it, holding it up like a trophy. Too bad he didn't throw it to the first baseman. Or the pitcher. Or the coach who asked for it back.

But there has never been a happier five-year-old. After all, he's got another 15 years before we expect him to play like Derek Jeter. For now, we enjoy watching him be Sammy.


Spring Cleaning, Part 2

A huge thanks to Dan and Deanne for watching Sammy and Riley Friday and Saturday. It was the most fun I've had cleaning house in a long time--very few interruptions. Zeke was quite good all day. He slept in, took long naps, and watched us clean blinds, light fixtures, walls, and all the other stuff we never clean. And, lucky you, cleaning all day makes me wax philosophical.

Cleaning is satisfying. Most of you have felt that. I've decided that's why it's smart to let my whole house get really dirty, not cleaning it very often. Much more visible satisfaction. After all, what fun is mopping a white floor that just stays white. I prefer mopping a dingy gray floor--instant gratification.
Cleaning is depressing. Especially deep cleaning. Because no one notices when you do it. They only notice if you don't do it. No one will come to my house and say, "Wow, you must have spent hours vacuuming your blinds! And look at your clean cupboards!" Not to mention, the constant clutter of four boys and a messy mom tends to be more noticeable than clean windows.
Cleaning is addictive. Once I get the momentum going, I want to keep going and going and going. This is why it's so hard to clean with kids around--the interruptions keep me from getting in the groove. Right now I have big plans for more deep cleaning, a project a day. But one lazy Mother's Day with Bruce cooking and doing dishes might destroy all my initiative. Anyway, it seems like most things are addictive, for example Kathryn and exercise, Bruce and BYU football, me and eating chocolate (also eating veggies, gardening, reading, and even scripture study). So I guess I'd better do a little more of those things that are good for me, hoping that they will become things I also love to do.

By the way, hats off to my wonderful husband who took me to the opera last night (Don Giovanni, kind of a cheesy soap opera). It was fun, though next time I want to dress up a little more--it was fun seeing some of the getups people were in. He and Sammy also made me a fabulous Mother's Day "Funny Lunch"--it's me lounging on a beach of meringue and blueberry pie filling, in case you can't tell. Sammy and Riley were too tired today to be very fun--Sammy refused to go up to sing with the Primary in Sacrament Meeting, which he usually loves. And Riley was excited to go with me to see Great-Grandma Payne tonight, but then was shy and wouldn't talk or sing to her.

Finally, love and appreciation to our wonderful mothers, who got through the ups and downs of raising us with patience and good sportsmanship, and still love us today. We are so grateful for all you do and all you are. Thank you!


Spring Cleaning Part 1

Maybe I shouldn't admit this, but this is the first time in my life I'm doing an official "Spring Cleaning," and it's only because of my wonderful sister-in-law, Deanne, who volunteered a kid-trade so we could both have a weekend to get it done. Thanks for the idea, Dee. And thanks for letting your kids get the stomach flu the day before said trade, so it didn't end up happening. (Never fear, we'll try again next weekend.)

Anyway, Bruce and I tried cleaning yesterday, even though the kids were all home. We cleaned the entire house...okay, just the windows. The rest of the house can wait, but boy did it feel good to scrub windows, frames, screens, everything. Only to have them all covered with fingerprints a few minutes later. But isn't that life? After the windows, Bruce weeded our bog/pond area and even drained the water (so we can convert it to a pondless waterfall in the next few weeks), but by this morning our hillside spring had filled the pond back up. And the weeds will grow back. But in the meantime, it's nice to have a few minutes of clean.

It was a pretty romantic day of scrubbing, too, because it was our anniversary. Happy seven years, Bruce! I feel blessed to be able to say I'd do it all over again. And despite what we see in Hollywood, happy marriages can happen without a prenup. (We're probably better off without one.) I am so grateful for my wonderful, kind, patient, loving, funny, and good husband, and for the three little (big!) blessings that have come into our lives. They are the greatest evidence that marriage works, given a little effort and a lot of love and forgiveness. Aren't children beautiful? Thank you Bruce! (By the way, the cleaning yesterday was my idea, and Bruce has planned a fun date for next weekend, so he's not a slacker.)

On a side note, Bruce wants everyone that I had hiccups, loudly, during stake conference today. But after one upside-down drink from Sammy's sippy cup, I was cured.

Finally, I'm spring cleaning online, too. Gone is the poll about Riley's hair. Thanks to all who voted. For the time being, the hair will stay short. Unless he cries again at the next haircut. And now we want to know how you feel about the music on our site. Really. Because I like it, but sometimes the music on other peoples' blogs bugs me--depending on what songs they choose. We do take requests into consideration as we post our playlists, so tell us your favorite and we might add it! (Don't worry, votes are anonymous.)

p.s.--Check out the new slideshow. Nifty, eh?