
My new obsession

Ever since Kathryn bragged to us several months ago that she (who never really liked exercising) is now addicted to exercising, I've thought, "I'd like to get there." Or at least to the point where I look forward to it, not just look back with relief when it's over.

I've been exercising consistently for the past two or three weeks. And lest you are concerned, no, I am not addicted to exercising. No threat of that anytime soon.

But I am developing an unusual enjoyment of weeding my garden.

Weeding was possibly the worst chore I had to do when I was a kid. Nothing like spending an hour on your knees on a 95-degree day in New Mexico, pulling weeds out of hard, rocky ground, with two older brothers to dish out a little emotional abuse as well. Lucky for me, we didn't have to do it very often.

Last summer I met bindweed, the nastiest weed ever, with miles of snake-like roots that snap under the slightest upward pressure, then shoot up new sprouts practically overnight. Our yard is infested with it. Solid clay instead of soil doesn't make the task any easier.

But the bindweed is not as prevalent this year (last year's battle is paying off just a bit), the soil is slowly getting better (after several hundred-dollars worth of compost), and the kids are crazier than ever. Yes, the real reason I love to weed is that it's as good as an hour of transcendental meditation or a long sauna session. Well, almost. I had Sammy & Riley help a little yesterday and they did their quota (yes, I'm being a good mom and showing them the value of WORK), but then they wandered inside to play with Grandma and Aunt Melissa. And I was left sweating in the sun, meditating on the significance of gardens, global crises, and what color to paint my toenails tonight. Thanks to those who gave me an hour of productive peace. I may have solved a few of the world's toughest problems out in my vegetable garden.

And the best part of all--pulling all those weeds out by the root is almost as satisfying as sqeezing a really great zit!


Dads are the greatest

Happy Father's Day!

First of all, apologies to Bruce. I can bake, but I can't sculpt a marshmallow daddy lying on a beach of meringue, or make a bed out of shortcake with a mini family snuggling in it. At least he'll get some strawberry trifle today!

Sorry if I get sappy, but I want to send a note out to the fathers I know and love. They have done a lot for me and deserve a little recognition.

Dad, thanks for being there my whole life. You've always been the smartest guy I know, which I knew even when I didn't want to listen to you. Thanks for taking the time to teach me math and how to use a hammer, for reading me "Tale of Two Cities" and picking me up from dance classes. Thanks for answering my questions even now that I'm an adult. Thanks for showing me how to be a good parent, and for being such a wonderful grandpa to three little boys who adore you.

Bruce, thank you for being my stalwart friend and example. You are so steady and kind and good. Thanks for putting up with the kids and me in all our craziness, and for even seeming to enjoy it. I see you in each of the boys in so many different ways. I hope they grow up to be wonderful fathers, just like you. I can think of no greater compliment.

Leo, thank you for raising such good kids. You gave Bruce a great example to follow (in fact, I think he even wishes he could retire and head off on a mission right about now). I am glad to have an extra "father" in my life, even though you tease me into humility a little too often. Thanks for your love and for being there when we need you.

Thank you to these three wonderful men--I have been so blessed to have each of you in my life. I love you all.


Six months and growing...HUGE!

Happy six-month birthday, Zeke!

Okay, so it was really eight days ago. I'm a little late. But look at how our little guy has grown. We are so amazed at all he can do, and so grateful for all he can't do (yet). We have enjoyed every single moment of his babyhood.

Before Zeke came into our lives, I realized we were just a wee bit crazy for thinking we could take on another kid. Sammy and Riley keep us busy! But now I am so grateful for the moments of peace he brings into our home. I get time to relax and nurse him, and I often read to the older boys at the same time--instant quiet! I appreciate evenings (after they are in bed) that much more. I get to watch Sammy and Riley stop running around to play with Zeke and see his enthusiastic reaction--he loves their antics. He is a joy in every way.

Unfortunately, I know what comes between six and twelve months--movement! I'm a little nervous about that, too. But we'll get a baby gate up, keep the tiny toys off the floor, and somehow we'll get through. If the first six months is any indication, we will find plenty of unexpected happiness throughout the coming months as well.

I love you, Zeke!

Harry Potter 100

Harry Potter 100
by Riley Jacobs

Harry Potter went up and down. He hit nothing but trees. He broke words off. I love pictures.

Harry Potter and Malfoy drowned.

They fell down a waterfall.

Harry Potter climbed up a tree. By himself.

Harry Potter and Malfoy fell down a house. They climbed up a candle. Harry Potter got Snape. He made boogers come out of Snape's ears. Then Harry Potter ate tree cookies for dessert.


Harry Potter # 9

Harry Potter And The Funnel
by Sammy Jacobs

One day Harry Potter did something that Dudley and Mr Dursley didn't want him to do.

Harry was at Hogwarts. His teacher was there waiting for him.

She said, "Are your mom and dad nice?" Harry said, "I don't have a mom and dad. I just have an aunt and uncle and cousin."

"What's your address?" asked the teacher. Harry said, "It is 95221253." "Okay," she said. "I'll come to your house tomorrow." The next day, when Harry woke up at Hogwarts, his teacher was already waiting for him at his house.

Harry went to his house. He saw his teacher. His teacher said, "Oh no you don't, Petunia and Vernon Dursley!"



Lettuce, Lawn and Losers

Latest goings-on:

  • We went hiking Adam's Canyon with Dan & Deanne's family on Saturday. The boys had a fun time, but we didn't make it all the way to the waterfall (not that we expected to). We took some pictures and will post them up here when we can. Dan saw a rattlesnake -- not on the trail but in the parking lot! We're glad the boys did NOT see it.

  • I got a new calling on Sunday -- Asst Priests Quorum Advisor and Youth Venture Leader. I'll be sad not to be teaching my group on Sundays anymore but I'm starting to look forward to working with the 16-18 year olds and going on camp-outs, hikes, etc.

  • Sammy's busy with T-ball, Riley's busy with plastic swords, Zeke is busy with eating new solid foods (rice, peas, peaches, applesauce) and they're all three busy driving their parents nuts. But we still love 'em.

  • I've been having a good time with the "Biggest Losers" blog -- some of the smack talk has been downright hysterical, and everyone who's participating is having success getting into better shape. Social pressure pays off -- whenever I'm tempted to eat more than I need to, I think about the shame I'll be forced to endure at the hands (or typing fingers) of my fellow Losers.

  • We've got a garden going now, and so far so good. In fact, we're already enjoying two varieties of home-grown lettuce that Christy planted quite a while ago.

  • Our lawn is still giving us headaches & stress. It doesn't look like it yet, but we really are working hard to restore it!
Have a good week.