
Snowy Pink Smiles

We've gotten through our first month with three children and we think we may survive the next few years!

Despite a lack of sleep and occasional grumpy outbursts, we're kind of keeping up with all three of our busy boys. Sammy and Riley still love Zeke and smother him with affection as often as possible. They had a great time this week sleeping over at Tracen and Tyler's house--our big New Year's Eve party. Their dinner that night consisted mostly of chips, then they went to bed and got to stay up talking and giggling. Finally, there was the excitement of waking up at an insanely early hour and realizing they were still with their cousins. Party couldn't have been better for the kids. (Bruce and I foolishly stayed up until midnight watching "Transformers" and regretted it all the next day.)

Zeke has rewarded us with a smile or two this week, and has begun to open his eyes and notice things. Today Uncle Dan got the biggest grin we've seen so far. And speaking of Zeke, the name is now completely official. Bruce blessed him in Sacrament Meeting today and it was really nice. (A ward member said Bruce passed the test because he took the baby "to give HIM a name and a blessing," not to give IT a name and a blessing.) Leah kindly wrote down everything for us. The things that stand out most to me were blessings of a long life; a strong body and mind and intellect, as well as humility; worthiness to serve a mission and joy in missionary work; being a peacemaker.

Bruce has enjoyed almost daily workouts of shoveling snow--this weekend's batch was particularly wet and heavy. We might have to invest in a better snowshovel.... At least he has something to use up his excess energy now that college football season is over.

I'm just happy to have Christmas decorations put away and to have Sammy back in preschool. (He's much happier with a little outside social activity now and then.) Now that I'm pretty much recovered from Zeke's birth, however, it's hard to get into the routine of cleaning, taking care of kids, and making dinner. I think I went at least three weeks without making a single meal. But to my credit, I've made several complete dinners this week. Boy, what an exciting and challenging life I lead, eh?

Life is great in a household of FOUR boys and me. I wear a lot of pink (subconscious habit, I think), and generally just enjoy being everyone's favorite. That must have something to do with all the cookies I bake.

Have a great week!

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