This fall, Bruce and I have been concerned about Sammy and Riley not getting along very well. Like, if one even touched the other there would be major screaming and fighting as a result. (Okay, I know this is somewhat normal for brothers--most of you remember the famous picture of Dan and Bruce. But that doesn't mean we approved or wanted them to keep up this behavior.) So, because we were frustrated, we prayed for help.
Slowly, things have been getting better, and it's mostly because Sammy is afraid. Very afraid. Of almost everything, including:
--Toys left on his bedroom floor at night
--Anything in his bed other than pillow and covers
--Being alone ANYWHERE for more than half a second (this makes bathroom time interesting)
It's this last item that has made him so dependent on Riley. Who will go in the bedroom with him to get another toy? Not mom! Who will go downstairs with him to put away the toys? Not dad! Riley, as much as he's been the picked on younger brother, is amazingly willing to be Sammy's companion. It's like Sammy realizes that Riley is more than competition for toys and attention, and Riley is happy to agree. They play computer together, run around together, and will now (occasionally) hug or sit close to each other. It is truly a miracle, for however long it lasts.
By the way, I am LOVING our new computer, if only because it came with a chess game pre-installed. Sammy can now play without bugging a grown-up to play with him, and better yet, Riley can play against Sammy because the computer shows him which moves are allowed. Score one for technology!!!