
Brilliant Boys!

Riley is excited about his fourth birthday party, which is tomorrow. Hopefully we will all survive so I can post pictures and tell funny stories about a bunch of 3- and 4-year-olds exploring outer space. In the meantime, I just want to brag about how Riley knows all the planets in the solar system, along with which ones are rock and which are gas (and which one is frozen!). That's why he's having a space-themed party, for which I made him a Saturn-shaped birthday cake:

I'm pretty sure all three of my brilliant boys are brilliant because of one thing: books! They all love to read, pretty much right out of the womb. I know it's innate, but we do our part to encourage it quite a bit. Here's a picture of 1-year-old Zeke, who often runs into his room, grabs a book, and gets cozy with it (or brings it to me for reading).

I wish every mom out there would grasp how important books are and how easy it is to get kids to love books from the time they are infants! I know pretty much all of you who read this are right there with me on this, and your kids are as brilliant as mine. Thanks for listening to me up on my soapbox today anyway!

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