
Attack of the un-weaned

Bruce says it's my fault for writing that last post. After 2 or 3 happy days, Zeke has thrown a fit about the binky's disappearance. We would like to be consistent, but sometimes we have to cave in and give it to him (like at 5:30 a.m. when we need him to go back to sleep for a few hours, or when we have a babysitter). He's amazingly adept at getting his own way. Plus, the child is living on yogurt since I'm not nursing him much anymore and he refuses most other food. Could be worse, like instant pudding or fruit snacks, right? And then this morning, I forgot that I no longer nurse him when he wakes up, and I stumbled bleary eyed out of bed and gave him just what he wanted without thinking.

Where's supernanny when I need her?

1 comment:

Amy said...

You don't need Super nanny, you're super Mommy!!! I heard your hair is looking really good... post some pictures!! Or, better yet, let's get together for another girl's night out so I can see it! :)